The version of the management packs was significantly increased as the SQL Server MP product family was extended with brand new management packs for SQL Server 2017+ and SQL Server 2017+ Replication. The new management packs are designed to monitor SQL Server 2017 and the upcoming versions.
Reimplemented Always On workflows to enable monitoring of Availability Groups hosting over 200 databases
Updated alert descriptions of Availability Group monitors: added cluster name and primary replica name
Implemented 3 alerting rules for events #5105 (error with physical file access), #833 (IO request has taken longer than 15 seconds), and #41144 (AO availability group failed); they are disabled by default
Added debug information to Always On monitoring scripts
Disabled the alerting rule for event #18456 by default
Fixed issue: Invalid encoding of SQL names in Always On console tasks
Fixed issue: Invalid encoding of SQL instance names in Always On console tasks
New SQL Server 2014 MP Features and Fixes
The version of the management packs was significantly increased as the SQL Server MP product family was extended with brand new management packs for SQL Server 2017+ and SQL Server 2017+ Replication. The new management packs are designed to monitor SQL Server 2017 and the upcoming versions.
Reimplemented Always On workflows to enable monitoring of Availability Groups hosting over 200 databases
Updated alert descriptions of Availability Group monitors: added cluster name and primary replica name
Implemented 3 alerting rules for events #5105 (error with physical file access), #833 (IO request has taken longer than 15 seconds), and #41144 (AO availability group failed); they are disabled by default
Added debug information to Always On monitoring scripts
Disabled the alerting rule for event #18456 by default
Fixed issue: Invalid encoding of SQL names in Always On console tasks
Fixed issue: Invalid encoding of SQL instance names in Always On console tasks
New SQL Server 2016 MP Features and Fixes
The version of the management packs was significantly increased as the SQL Server MP product family was extended with brand new management packs for SQL Server 2017+ and SQL Server 2017+ Replication. The new management packs are designed to monitor SQL Server 2017 and the upcoming versions.
Reimplemented Always On workflows to enable monitoring of Availability Groups hosting over 200 databases
Updated alert descriptions of Availability Group monitors: added cluster name and primary replica name
Implemented 3 alerting rules for events #5105 (error with physical file access), #833 (IO request has taken longer than 15 seconds), and #41144 (AO availability group failed); they are disabled by default
Added debug information to Always On monitoring scripts
Enabled Memory-Optimized workflows for all editions of SQL Server 2016 by default, so far as all editions now support Memory-Optimized Data since SP1
Disabled the alerting rule for event #18456 by default
Optimized ProbeAction for User Resource Pool Memory workflows
Fixed issue: Invalid encoding of SQL names in Always On console tasks
Fixed issue: “XTP Configuration” monitor is in healthy state when XTP filegroup container and the transaction log are placed on different volumes of a physical disk
Fixed issue: Incorrect publishers’ names for SSIS EventCollection rules (SQL2016)
Fixed issue: GetSQL2016DBEngineWinServState.js crashes when getting neither “true” nor “false” as the second parameter (CheckStartupType)
Fixed issue: Invalid encoding of SQL instance names in Always On console tasks
Fixed issue: XTP Configuration monitor is always in Warning state for SQL Server 2016 Standard edition
SQL Server Dashboards MP
No changes introduced; increased the version number to to comply with the current version of SQL Server Management Packs
SQL Server 2008 Replication – here
SQL Server 2012 Replication – here
SQL Server 2014 Replication – here
SQL Server 2014 Replication – here
SQL Server Analysis Services
SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services – here
SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services – here
SQL Server 2014 Analysis Services – here
SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services – here
SQL Server Reporting Services (Native Mode)
SQL Server 2008 Replication(Native Mode) – here
SQL Server 2012 Replication(Native Mode) – here
SQL Server 2014 Replication(Native Mode) – here
SQL Server 2014 Replication(Native Mode) – here
New in this version:
Important Notes About This Release
Please note that we implemented a new alerting rule for SQL Server event #18456 “Login failed” in this release. However, this rule may become rather noisy due to the fact that the target events appear quite frequently in some environments. The rule is enabled by default; thus, if it creates too many alerts in your environment, consider disabling it via the override. The ideal would be to resolve the underlying issues causing the alert but we understand this is not always a priority.
We are introducing a new monitor in this release (see the first bullet below) based on customer feedback. You have now a better solution for monitoring backups of AG databases.
SQL Server 2008-2016
Added new “Availability Database Backup Status” monitor in Availability Group to check the existence and age of the availability database backups (this monitor is disabled by default)
“Database Backup Status” monitor has been changed to return only “Healthy” state for the databases that are Always On replicas, since availability database backups are now watched by the dedicated monitor
Improved performance of DB Space monitoring workflows
Added new “Login failed” alerting rule for SQL Server event #18456
Fixed issue: “Active Alerts” view does not show all alerts
Fixed issue: DB space monitoring scripts fail with “Cannot connect to database” error.
Fixed issue: PowerShell scripts fail with “Cannot process argument because the value of argument ‘obj’ is null” error
Fixed issue: Alert description of “Disk Ready Latency” and “Disk Write Latency” monitors displays the sample count instead of the performance value that was measured
Fixed issue: Different file location info from “sys.master_files” and “sysfiles” causes error when Availability Group secondary database files are in different path
Fixed issue: “DB Transaction Log Free Space Total” rules return wrong data
Introduced minor updates to the display strings
Deprecated “Garbage Collection” monitor and the appropriate performance rule
Resource Pool Discovery is disabled by default for pools not containing databases with Memory-Optimized Tables
“XTP Configuration” monitor now supports different file path types (not only those starting with C:, D:, etc.)
Fixed issue: “Resource Pool State” view shows incorrect set of objects
Fixed issue: Invalid group discovery in SQL Server 2016 Always On
Updated the visualization library
SQL Server Dashboards
Increased the version number to comply with the current version of SQL Server MPs
SQL Server 2008-2016 Replication
Added Distributor name caching to Subscription discovery
Restricted the length of some string class properties
Improved the internal structure of SQL scripts storage
Fixed variable types in SQL scripts
Fixed connectivity issues in SmartConnect module
Introduced minor updates to the display strings
Updated the visualization library
SQL Server 2008-2016 Reporting Services
Reimplemented Instance seed discovery: replaced the managed module with a PowerShell script
Reimplemented Deployment seed discovery: added a retry policy and improved error handling
Additional support is now available for SCOM 2016 for SQL 2012 SP3. this will more easily facilitate the in-place upgrade path from SCOM 2012 as previously you would need your environment to be using a SQL version supported by both SCOM versions (SQL 2014 SP2)
Kevin Holman has a nice article hi-lighting the different supported versions you can find it here
New versions of the SQL Server management packs are out! They are available from the below links:
Note: Be aware that there have been some serious issues with previous versions of the SQL management packs this year. I cannot stress enough the need for testing before using these in a live environment.
SQL Server 2016: here
SQL Server 2014: here
SQL Server 2008 / 2012: here
SQL Dashboards: here
New in this version
SQL Server 2008 / 2012
Fixed issue: SQL Server 2012 Always On discoveries fail after stopping WSFC service
Fixed issue: “Set DB offline” task does not work when the database is in Availability Group
Fixed issue: user policy discovery script fails with “Invalid namespace “ROOT\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement12″‘ error
Fixed issue: Always On console task does not work
Updated the visualization library
SQL Server 2014 / 2016
Fixed issue: “Set DB offline” task does not work when the database is in Availability Group
Fixed issue: Always On console task does not work
Updated the visualization library
Fixed issue: expanding “arrow” has low-contrast color when a health group is collapsed in Instance view (High-Contrast #2 color scheme)
Fixed issue: in Web console, Dashboards continuously send requests to the database
Fixed issue: not the first object gets selected in the object list after drill-down
Fixed issue: horizontal scroll position resets after refreshing the Instance view
Fixed issue: “No Data” message is displayed on some tiles after upgrading Dashboards management pack from version to or later version
Fixed issue: on Web console, Dashboards crash when drilling down from Datacenter view to Instance view
Restored the correct group order in SQL Server Summary dashboard views
Technical preview 2 of the new SQL management packs are out for preview, get them here.
Improved Dashboards performance
Fixed issue: Regular\Virtual group tile will show 0 objects if user adds a new group before the previous one has been saved
Fixed issue: virtual group filtering for Generic Distributor does not work
Fixed issue: tooltips on some menus appear in unexpected places
Fixed issue: Web Console is crashing upon right-clicking the Hamburger menu
Fixed issue: button captions are cropped in some dashboard localization packs
Fixed issue: instance dashboard displays data for the item that is the first in the list if no items appear after applying a filter
Fixed issue: the first group object is not in focus after clearing “Filter” field if there were no search results
Fixed issue: Summary dashboards appear to be in a strange state if one installs only Dashboards MP without SQL MPs
Fixed issue: Bulk Add Tiles does not trigger the refresh action
Fixed issue: object and alert counters of Virtual groups containing real groups display zeros
Fixed issue: an error appears in Web Console when using keyboard for navigation in “Add Aggregated Monitor” dialog
Fixed issue: unexpected scrolling behavior in the instance view when using mouse scroll
Fixed issue: markup of the dialog for adding classes gets broken when the scrollbars are displayed
Fixed issue: wrong width value of the Edit dialog
Fixed issue: there is no refresh action after saving the edited Virtual Group configuration
Fixed issue: white-screen exception when working with a dialog in Web Console
Fixed issue: datacenter and instance queries fail when a special set of classes is selected
SQL Server 2016 / 2014 / 2012 /2008 / 2005
Added support for configurations where computer host names are longer than 15 symbols
Added “Event ID” to descriptions of all the alerts generated by the alerting rules
Deprecated “Run As Account does not exist on the target system, or does not have enough permissions” rule
Added 2 rules for alerts generating when there are problems with execution of the monitoring workflows scripts on the following agents: “MSSQL: Monitoring failed” and “MSSQL: Monitoring warning”
Added “MSSQL 2016: Discovery warning” rules to generate alerts when there are non-critical problems with execution of the discovery scripts (warning events in the Operations Manager log)
Changed “MSSQL 2016: Discovery failed” rules to generate alerts for only critical errors during executing discovery scripts
Improved error logging in the MP scripts
Fixed some issues in the scripts, which could lead to unstable work with WMI
Fixed the issue when not all available performance counters were presented at “All Performance Data” view in Memory-Optimized Data sub-folder
Added a new overridable parameter to monitor “Stale Checkpoint File Pairs Ratio” in order to ignore databases having the number of checkpoint file pairs less than the threshold (300 by default)
Made “Resources Pool Memory Consumption (rollup)” enabled by default
Another update for the SQL Community Technical Preview management packs this time we have updates for the SQL Server MPs and no changes to the dashboards. Get the MPs here.
SQL Server 2014 / 2016:
Disabled Memory-Optimized Data Garbage Collection Fill Factor monitor and rule by default
Disabled Memory-Optimized Data workflows for all SQL Server instances, except for Developer, Enterprise, and Evaluation editions
Fixed issue: CPU Usage monitor & rule did not work for SQL Server cluster instance
Fixed issue: connection to an SQL Server instance was not closing when the destination was wrong
Made detection condition stricter for DB User Policy event-based discovery: added management group name
Made detection condition stricter for Script Failed alerting rule: added management group name
SQL Server 2008 / 2012
Added support for databases stored on SMB Shares
Fixed error logging in a script for Blocking Sessions monitor
Removed from the installer SQL 2005 MP files as no longer supported
Fixed issue: CPU Usage monitor & rule did not work for SQL Server cluster instance
Fixed issue: connection to an SQL Server instance was not closing when the destination was wrong
Fixed Non-Readable Replica detection (Always On)
Made detection condition stricter for DB User Policy event-based discovery: added management group name
Made detection condition stricter for Script Failed alerting rule: added management group name