Monthly Archives: April 2017

SCOM 2016: Updated SQL MPs

New SQL management packs were released recently, get them at the links below:

SQL Server 2008/2012 – here
SQL Server 2014  – here
SQL Server 2016 – here

Updates and fixes

SQL Server 2008/2012

  • Fixed issue: GetSQL20XXSPNState.vbs fails when domain controller is Read-Only
  • Fixed issue: SQL ADODB “IsServiceRunning” function always uses localhost instead of server name


  • No changes introduced; the version is increased to comply with the current version of SQL Server MP


Management Pack Recap – March 2017 Wave

This is a summary of the wave of Management Packs that were released in March 2017. Information and download location in the links provided:

Windows Server 2016 Remote Desktop Services MP v10.0.5.0here
Office 365 MP v7.1.5138.0 – here
Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V MP v10.0.8.0here

If you know of any other Management Packs that have been released recently that I may have missed leave me a note in the comments and I’ll add them
