//I tackled this challenge in a set of logical steps, looking for blobs that had no views, which had been deleted but not completely deleted. Using this in combination with hosts that had a dip in usage got to several suspect files one of which was the missing interview. Not elegant by any means but it got the job done.
let hosts=
| parse EventText with TransactionType ” blob transaction: ‘” BlobURI “‘” *
| parse EventText with * “(” Reads:long “reads)” *
| extend Host = tostring(parse_url(BlobURI).Host)
| summarize Deletes=countif(TransactionType == ‘Delete’),
Creates =countif(TransactionType == ‘Create’),
Reads=sumif(Reads, TransactionType == ‘Read’) by Host
| where Deletes > 0
| where Creates > 0
| where Creates > Deletes
| order by Reads
| take 50;
let Scott =
| parse EventText with TransactionType ” blob transaction: ‘” BlobURI “‘” *
| parse EventText with * “(” Reads:long “reads)” *
| extend Host = tostring(parse_url(BlobURI).Host)
| where Host in~ (hosts)
| make-series Count=sumif(Reads, TransactionType == ‘Read’) default=0 on Timestamp step 12h by Host
| project series_periods_validate(Count,14,10), Host, Count
| extend Score = tostring(series_periods_validate_Count_scores[0])
| where Score != “0.0”
| project Host;
let deletes=
| parse EventText with TransactionType ” blob transaction:” *
| parse EventText with * “blob transaction: ‘” BlobURI “‘” *
| where EventText has “completely”
| distinct BlobURI;
let uri=
| parse EventText with TransactionType ” blob transaction:” *
| parse EventText with “‘ read access (” ReadCount:long ” reads) were detected on the origin”
| parse EventText with * “blob transaction: ‘” BlobURI “‘” *
| extend Host = tostring(parse_url(BlobURI).Host)
| where Host in (Scott)
| project EventText, BlobURI, TransactionType, ReadCount, Host
| summarize Deletes=countif(TransactionType == ‘Delete’),
Creates =countif(TransactionType == ‘Create’),
Reads=sumif(ReadCount, TransactionType == ‘Read’) by Host, BlobURI
| sort by Reads asc
| where Deletes > 0
| where Creates > 0
| distinct BlobURI;
| parse EventText with TransactionType ” blob transaction:” *
| parse EventText with * “blob transaction: ‘” BlobURI “‘” *
| where BlobURI in~ (uri) and BlobURI !in (deletes)
| where EventText has_all (“backup”,”create”)
| distinct EventText
| extend SplitAll=split(EventText, ‘ ‘)
| extend Backup=tostring(SplitAll[8])
| project-away EventText, SplitAll
| where Backup contains “mp4”
//A far neater approach by my colleague Nabeel Prior
// get the blob accounts that had 1 new creation each week for 4 weeks
let weeklyCreates =
| where EventText startswith “Create blob”
| project
blobAccount=substring(EventText, indexof(EventText, “https://”), indexof(EventText, “/”, 1, 1000, 3) – indexof(EventText, “https://”))
| summarize accountCreatesPerWeek = count() by blobAccount, week_of_year(createTS)
| where accountCreatesPerWeek == 1
| summarize count() by blobAccount
| where count_ >= 4;
// get all the creates for the above blob accounts
let allCreates =
| where EventText startswith “Create blob”
| project
blobAccount=substring(EventText, indexof(EventText, “https://”), indexof(EventText, “/”, 1, 1000, 3) – indexof(EventText, “https://”)),
createUrl=substring(EventText, indexof(EventText, “https://”), indexof(EventText, “‘ backup is created on “) – indexof(EventText, “https://”)),
backupUrl=tostring(split(replace_string(EventText, “Create blob transaction: ‘”, “”), “‘ backup is created on “, 1))
| join kind=inner weeklyCreates on $left.blobAccount == $right.blobAccount;
// for all creates above, find those that were partially deleted
| where EventText startswith “Delete blob”
| extend deleteUrl=substring(EventText, indexof(EventText, “https://”), indexof(EventText, “‘ backup is”) – indexof(EventText, “https://”))
| extend deleteAction=iif(EventText contains “completely”, 1, 0)
| join kind=inner allCreates on $left.deleteUrl == $right.createUrl
| summarize completelyDeleted=sum(deleteAction), firstDelete=min(Timestamp), lastDelete=max(Timestamp), numberOfDeletes=countif(deleteAction == 0) by deleteUrl, backupUrl
| where completelyDeleted==0;