- Challenge 1: Here
- Challenge 2: Here
- Challenge 3: Here
- Challenge 4: Here
- Challenge 5: This article
The ADX team upped their game once again. Time for a proper forensic investigation, track down the baddies, find clues and decipher their meaning all while racing against the clock. Can you come up with the date and location of the heist in time to stop them?
General advice
This challenge requires a bit of creative thinking, even with the hints there are multiple paths to go down and not all of them are going to lead to the right outcome. the key to this one, keep it simple and logical.
Challenge 5: Big heist
This challenge also has multiple parts, first we need to identify four chatroom users from over three million records and then we need to “hack” their IPs to get more clues.
Trying to identify the right user behaviors here is super tricky, I got tripped up here by adding a level of complexity that was unnecessary. At its simplest we would have to find a room where only 4 people joined and no one else. Some KQL commands that will be useful here are tostring, split, extend, row_cumsum
Hello. It’s going to happen soon: a big heist. You can stop it if you are quick enough. Find the exact place and time it’s going to happen.
Do it right, and you will be rewarded, do it wrong, and you will miss your chance.
Here are some pieces of the information:
The heist team has 4 members. They are very careful, hide well with minimal interaction with the external world. Yet, they use public chat-server for their syncs. The data below was captured from the chat-server: it doesn’t include messages, but still it may be useful. See what you can do to find the IPs the gang uses to communicate.
Once you have their IPs, use my small utility to sneak into their machine’s and find more hints:<ip>
El Puente
Feeling uncomfortable and wondering about an elephant in the room: why would I help you?
Nothing escapes you, ha?
Let’s put it this way: we live in a circus full of competition. I can use some of your help, and nothing breaks if you use mine… You see, everything is about symbiosis.
Anyway, what do you have to lose? Look on an illustrated past, fast forward N days and realize the future is here.
let rooms =
| where Message contains “joined”
| extend user = tostring(split(Message,” “,1))
| extend chan = tostring(split(Message,” “,5))
| distinct user, chan
| summarize count() by chan
| where count_ == 4
| project chan;
let chatroom =
| extend action = tostring(split(Message,” “,2))
| where action contains “joined” or action contains “left”
| extend A1 = iif(action contains “joined”, 1, -1)
| extend user = tostring(split(Message,” “,1))
| extend chan = tostring(split(Message,” “,5))
| where chan in (rooms)
| order by Timestamp asc
| extend total=row_cumsum(A1, chan != prev(chan))
| where total ==4
| distinct chan;
let users =
| extend chan = tostring(split(Message,” “,5))
| where chan in (chatroom)
| extend user = tostring(split(Message,” “,1))
| distinct user;
| extend user = tostring(split(Message,” “,1))
| where user in (users)
| where Message contains “logged”
| extend IP = tostring(split(Message,” “,5))
| distinct IP
Alright we’ve got some IPs, so time to “hack”, using the provided tool you’ll gather a set of clues from each of the gang members, there are a few key things you need to find, these are an email, some pictures, a cypher tool, an article and a pdf copy of it and of course a video from the nefarious professor Smoke.
From here on out it’s all investigative skills, you now have everything you need to find the date and location of the heist and save that datacenter!
In order to decrypt the secret message, you’re going to need a special key, the format looks familar right? Spot on you’ll need the answer from challenge 4!
Congratulations Detective!
If you’ve found this blog series useful, please let me know via LinkedIn or drop a comment below. These challenges have been super fun and I for one am looking forward to season 2!