SCOM: Xian Wings 2.0

Jalasoft has released a new version of it’s Xian Wings product, which allows SCOM information such as graphs, alerts and states to be viewed on SmartPhone and Tablet Devices.


No more running back to the office when your network beckons you. With Xian Wings for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 and 2012 (Operations Manager) you have a real client application for your smartphone, which means states, alerts, performance graphs, and more are always at your fingertips. Perform any task—from anywhere.


Just like with your Operations Manager console, Xian Wings lets you have a states-view to see the health of the objects you want to monitor.

Check the alerts of a specific object or see all the alerts that are currently active—right form your smartphone. Plus, you can easily filter or limit the number of alerts forwarded to your mobile devices so you only see what you need. You can even view and change alert properties in real time, right from your phone. No more being tied to your Operations Manager console.

How’s your network performing? You’ll always know. Xian Wings lets you see performance graphs on your smartphone too. Just select the object and the counters you want to view and you’ll get the corresponding graph. Xian Wings even stores the latest graphs you made automatically so you can quickly retrieve them with a couple of taps.

Whether you need to obtain memory usage information, IP configuration, or respond to an event that you would normally respond to, Xian Wings lets you do the tasks you need to do from your smartphone. It is up to you to create even more Operations Manager tasks to execute while you are out of the office.

Want the most important alerts the moment they occur? Xian Wings gives you the option to set up notifications, too. It’s simple. No need to synchronize Xian Wings—you’ll be notified of important alerts automatically.

Especially for iPad, there is Wings HD. This version offers all the features of Wings but adjusted for tablets. You have the ability to create your own dashboards with graphs, states, alerts, a click on any object will open an object related screen that gives you the direct ability to see the root cause of the problem and take actions. It is now possible to run power shell and prompt commands directly from your iPad against the OpsMgr server or another computer. And besides alerts, states and performance graphs, it is possible to add a notifications widgets to any Wings dashboard. Wings HD is the best mobile dashboard you can wish for Operations Manager


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