It is always great when the capabilities of Operation Manager are extended to monitor new areas that were previously outside of the general WinTel scope. The latest addition from NiCE is a zLinux management pack.
The NiCE zLinux MP is the first product of its class that provides monitoring of Linux server distributions on the IBM system z platform using Microsoft System Center. IBM System z is a universal name used by IBM for all its mainframe computers. These mainframe computers have gone through a number of name changes and are also known as System/390 or zSeries.
This management pack allows for inclusion of your zLinux components into your SCOM system which enables you to get a complete picture of the systems that are dependent on zLinux in a single end-to-end view.
• Perform ‘Logical Disk Health checks’ i.e. easily ascertain the availability and performance of your Logical Disk (File System) instances
• Carry out ‘Network Adapter Health checks’ i.e. determine the availability and performance of your Network Adapter instances
• Execute ‘Operating System Health assessments’ i.e. effortlessly discover the availability and performance for Red Hat Enterprise
Linux Server Operating System instances
• Determine the health of your processor by effectively monitoring your processor instances
More information is available at the NiCE Customer Portal