Microsoft has released a new Update Rollup for the Microsoft Monitoring Agent it is available through windows update or via the catalog link in the KB article here.
Issues that are fixed in this update rollup
- Support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. Add support for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista on-boarding to the Microsoft Operations Management Suite.
- Maintain original identification after Operations Management Suite is disabled and then re-enabled or after agent is reinstalled. Preserve the identification of the system during upgrades or when enabling and disabling the Operations Management Suite. Previously, disabling and then re-enabling a connection to the Operations Management Suite caused a new agent identification to be generated.
- Always use the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 for loading managed modules if it is available. Set a preference for the .NET Framework 4.0 when managed code is loaded in management packs. The .NET Framework 2.0 is used if the .NET Framework 4.0 is not available. Previously, the .NET Framework 4.0 would be used on Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, or later versions of Windows operating systems while the .NET Framework 2.0 was loaded on earlier versions of Windows.
- Fix the Apply button that is not working in the Microsoft Monitoring Agent control panel.
- Remove a dialog box that is displayed during a silent installation when a restart was required.